Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
Advances in Structural Dynamics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Structural v.1-2 | KO, J. M. & Xu, Y.L. ( Ed. ) | Elsevier, Amesterdom | 2000 | |
CD-Rom on the Proceedings of the 2003 Disaster Resistant California Conference | | | | |
Computational Modeling of Masonry, Brickwork and Blockwork Structures | Editor: J.W.Bull | Saxe-Coburg Publication, UK | 2001 | |
Earthquake Prediction: Proceedings of the International Symposium on EQ Prediction | Prof. F.F. Evison, New Zealand, Prof. E.F. Savasensky, U.S.S.R., Prof. Ralgh Turner, USA & Dr. Robert Wesson , USA | Tera, Scientific Publication, Tokyo | c1984 | |
Earthquake Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations in the Earth''s Interior | Editors: Roman Teisseyre and Eugeniusz Majewski | Academic Press, San Deigo, CA, USA | 2001 | |
Earthquake Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations in the Earth''s Interior | Editors: Roman Teisseyre and Eugeniusz Majewski | Academic Press, San Deigo, CA, USA | 2001 | |
Fifth US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering | | Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, CA, USA | 1994 | |
Geological Hazards: Proceedings | Bell, Fred G. | E & FN. Spon., London | 1999 | |
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering | | New Zeland National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Christchurch, NZ | 1991 | |
Procedings of the National Conference on Identification of Seismic Sources | | Reidel, Dordrecht,????????? | 1981 | |
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