Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
Design of Steel Structures | Dayaratnam, Pasala | I.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur | 1990 | |
Design of Steel Structures | Dayaratnam, Pasala | I.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur | 1988 | |
Design of Steel Structures | Dayaratnam, Pasala | I.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur | 1988 | |
Design of Steel Structures | Dayaratnam, Pasala | I.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur | 1988 | |
Design of Structural Steelwork | Knowles, Peter | Surrey University Press, London | c1977 | |
Design of Structural Steelwork | Knowles, Peter | Surrey University Press, London | 1977 | |
Design, Sitting and Construction of Low-Cost Housing and Community Buildings to Better with Stand Earthquakes and Windstorms | Willian,F.Reps | U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington | 1974 | |
Design, Sitting and Construction of Low-Cost Housing and Community Buildings to Better Withstand Earthquakes and Windstorms | William F. Reps | U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington DC, USA | 1974 | |
Development in Fracture Mechanics | G.G.Chell | Applied Science Publishers Limited, London, UK | 1981 | |
Development in Fracture Mechanics | G.G. Chell | Applied Science Publishers Ltd. London | 1981 | |
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