Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II | J. Lawrence and Von Thun | American Society of Civil Engineers, New York | c1988 | |
Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in the New Milleminum | | | | |
Earthquake Engineering Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering | Organized By. New Zealand National Society for EQ. Engg. | New Zeland National Society for Earthquake Engineering, | 1991 | |
Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering | Pedro, S. Deconpinto | A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam | c1999 | |
Earthquake Hazard and Seismic Risk Safety in Washington | Balassanian, Serguei and Melkumyan, Mikael | Kluwer Academic Pub. Dordrecht | 2000 | |
Earthquake Motion and Ground Conditions | | Maruzen Company Limited, USA | | |
Earthquake Prediction | S.K. Guha and A.M. Patwardhan | University of Poona | 1988 | |
Earthquake Prediction, Uncertainty, and Policies for the Future | L.W.Weisbecker, W.C.Stoneman and S.E.Ackerman | National Science Foundation, Washington DC, USA | 1997 | |
Earthquake Prediction, Uncertainty, and Policies for the Future | Weisbecker, L. W., Stoneman, W. C. and Ackerman, S. E | National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. | 1997 | |
Earthquake Prediction: Proceedings of the International Symposium on EQ Prediction | Prof. F.F. Evison, New Zealand, Prof. E.F. Savasensky, U.S.S.R., Prof. Ralgh Turner, USA & Dr. Robert Wesson , USA | Tera, Scientific Publication, Tokyo | c1984 | |
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