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Brick and Block MasonryDe Courcy, John WElsvier Applied Science, London1988
Brick and Block MasonryDe Courcy, John WElsvier Applied Science, Londonc1988
Brick and Block MasonryDe Courcy, John WElsvier Applied Science, Londonc1988
Brick and Block MasonryDe Courcy, John WElsvier Applied Science, Londonc1988
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BS 5628-1:1992BSI
BS 5628-2:2000BSI
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Title   Brick and Block Masonry
Author   De Courcy, John W
Publisher   Elsvier Applied Science, London
Year   c1988
Book No   In8bv.2
Clasification   624.183
Accession No   A105774

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