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Eurocode 1 DD ENV 1991-2-4:1997 DD ENV 1991-2-6: 2000 DD ENV 1991-4: 1996British Standards CodeBritish Standard Institution, London
Evaluation of A response Spectrum Approach to Seismic Design of BuildingsATCNational Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, Washington, D.Cc1974
Evaluation of Strength Tests of ConcreteAmerican Concrete Institute, U.S.A1960
Evaluation of Strength Tests of ConcreteAmerican Concrete Institute, U.S.A1960
Experimental Stress AnalysisH. WieringaMartinus Nijhoff Publishers, Dordrecht1986
Experimental Stress Analysis and Its Influence on DesignM.L. MeyerInstitution of Mechanical Enginers, Birdcage Walk1971
Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion MeasurementDove, Richard C and Paul, Adams HC.E.Merrill Books, Columbus, Ohio1964
Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion MeasurementDove, Richard C and Paul, Adams HC.E.Merrill Books, Columbus, Ohio1964
Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion MeasurementDove, Richard C and Paul, Adams HC.E.Merrill Books, Columbus, Ohio1964
Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion MeasurementDove, Richard C and Paul, Adams HC.E.Merrill Books, Columbus, Ohio1964
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Title   Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion Measurement
Author   Dove, Richard C and Paul, Adams H
Publisher   C.E.Merrill Books, Columbus, Ohio
Year   1964
Book No   D751e
Clasification   624.176
Accession No   A34832 cop.15

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