Title | Author | Publisher | Year | |
Comparison of Buildings in Earthquake-Resistant Buildings | Applied Technology Council, USA | National Science Foundation, Washington DC, USA | 1984 | |
Comparison of Buildings in Earthquake-Resistant Buildings | ATC | National Science Foundation, Washington | 1984 | |
Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete | | British Standards Institution, London, UK | 1967 | |
Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete | | British Standards Institution, London | 1967 | |
Composite Construction in Structural Steel and Concrete | | British Standards Institution, London | 1967 | |
Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete | Johnson, R.P.and Buckby, R.J. | Collins | 1986 | |
Composite Structures of Steel and Concrete | Johnson, R.P.and Buckby, R.J. | Collins | c1986 | |
Computational Geomechanics with Special Reference to earthquake Engineering | Zienkiewicz, O. C. | John, Wiley, New York | c1999 | |
Computational Modeling of Masonry, Brickwork and Blockwork Structures | Editor: J.W.Bull | Saxe-Coburg Publication, UK | 2001 | |
Computational Modeling of Masonry, Brickwork and Blockwork Structures | Bull, J. W. ( Ed.) | Saxe-Coburg Publication, U.K. | 2001 | |
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