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EERI Report :: Innovative Earthquake Recovery in India
(Learning from Earthquake Series, Volume II)
An earthquake of magnitude 6.4 on the Richter scale struck the Maharashtra region of India on September 30, 1993. Over 8,000 people were killed, 16,000 injured, over one million left homeless. Sixty-seven villages were completely destroyed, with extensive damage reported in another 1,300 villages in the Latur and Osmanabad districts. Eleven other districts in Maharashtra suffered heavy damage to private and public property. The total property loss was approximately US$333 million (Rs. 11.8 billion). Approximately 90 percent of the housing stock in the affected area was constructed of uncoursed random rubble stone masonry. Eighty-four percent had heavy earthen roofs supported by timber planks and joists. In the most severely affected villages, over 70 percent of the housing stock was destroyed or damaged beyond repair.

This report documents the major lessons related to the Government of Maharashtra's housing rebuilding program, which was financed in large part through a World Bank credit. The emphasis in this report is on highlighting observations that may be useful to earthquake risk reduction professionals. This report is published under the THE LESSONS LEARNED OVER TIME series, part of EERI's Learning From Earthquakes program, established to capture and disseminate lessons that may not become apparent until some years after the event or which bear reevaluation in light of what we know today.
Following are links to the chapters of this report
Chapter 1Background
Chapter 2Project Management and Structure
Chapter 3Housing Reconstruction
Chapter 4Documentation of Procedures, Evaluation and Monitoring Tools
Chapter 5Social Issues of Reconstruction
Chapter 6Disaster Management Initiative
Chapter 7Development of an Earthquake Hazard Map for Maharashtra
Chapter 8Concluding Remarks
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Chapter   Chapter 8
Subject   Concluding Remarks
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