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Design of Steel StructuresDayaratnam, PasalaI.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur1988
Design of Steel StructuresDayaratnam, PasalaI.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur1988
Design of Steel StructuresDayaratnam, PasalaI.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur1990
Design of Steel StructuresDayaratnam, PasalaI.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur1988
Design of Steel StructuresDayaratnam, PasalaI.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur1988
Design of Steel StructuresDayaratnam, PasalaI.I.T. Deaprtment of Civil Engineering, Kanpur1988
Design of Structural SteelworkKnowles, PeterSurrey University Press, Londonc1977
Design of Structural SteelworkKnowles, PeterSurrey University Press, London1977
Design, Sitting and Construction of Low-Cost Housing and Community Buildings to Better with Stand Earthquakes and WindstormsWillian,F.RepsU.S. Department of Commerce, Washington1974
Development in Fracture MechanicsG.G. ChellApplied Science Publishers Ltd. London1981
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Title   Design of Structural Steelwork
Author   Knowles, Peter
Publisher   Surrey University Press, London
Year   c1977
Book No   K763d
Clasification   624.1821
Accession No   A92652

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