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Structures Under Shock and ImpactP.S. BulsonElsevier1989
Subsidence Low Rise Building (2nd Edition)The Institution of Structural Engineers, London
Survey Report for Buildings Damages Due to the 1995 Hyogo-Ken Nanbu EarthquakeYoshio MIMURA., Director General Building Research institute. Ministry of Construction, Washington, D.C.Building Research Institute, Washington D.C1993
TectonicsMoores, Eldridge M & Twiss, Robert JFreeman, New York1995
Tectonics of Sedimentary BasinsCathy, Busby J & Raymond Ingersoll VBlackwell Science, Oxfordc1995
Tentative Provisions for the Development for Seismic Regulations for BuildingsATCU.S. Deaprtment of Commerce, Washington D>C1978
The 1996 Tangshan, China EarthquakeJames M. Gere & Haresh C. ShahEarthquake Engg. Research Institute, Berkeley1980
The Behavior and Design of Steel StructuresTrahair, N.S and Bradford, M.AChapman and Hall, London1988
The Behaviour and Design of Steel StructuresTrahair, N.S and Bradford, M.AChapman and Hall, London1988
The Continuing ChallengeEd. By : Charles C. hiel & Seismic Advisory Commettee on EarthquakesDepartment of General Services, North-Highlandsc1994
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Title   The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures
Author   Trahair, N.S and Bradford, M.A
Publisher   Chapman and Hall, London
Year   1988
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