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Theory of Prestressed CoccreteChi, Michael and Biberstein, Frank APrentice-Hall, Englewood1963
Theory of Prestressed CoccreteChi, Michael and Biberstein, Frank APrentice-Hall, Englewood1963
Theory of Prestressed CoccreteChi, Michael and Biberstein, Frank APrentice-Hall, Englewood1963
Theory of Prestressed ConcreteChi, Michael and Biberstein, Frank APrentice-Hall, Englewoodc1963
Theory of Prestressed ConcreteChi, Michael and Biberstein, Frank APrentice-Hall, Englewoodc1963
Theory of Prestressed ConcreteChi, Michael and Biberstein, Frank APrentice-Hall, EnglewoodC1963
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Thin Shell Concrete StructuresBillington, David PMcGraw-Hill Book Company, New Yorkc1965
Thin Shell Concrete StructuresBillington, David PMcGraw-Hill Book Company, New Yorkc1965
Thin Shell Concrete StructuresBillington, David PMcGraw-Hill Book Company, New York1965
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Title   Thin Shell Concrete Structures
Author   Billington, David P
Publisher   McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
Year   1965
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