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BS 5628-3:2001BSI
BS 8000-3:2001BSI
BS 8103-1:1995BSI
BS 8103-2:1995BSI
BS EN 1991-1-1:2002 Euro Code1.Actions on Structures. General Actions. Densities, Selfweight, Imposed Loads for BuildingsBritish Standards CodeBritish Standards Institution, UK2002
BS En 1991-1-2:2002 Euro Code 1. Actions on Structures. General Actions. Actions on Structures Exposed to FireBritish Standards CodeBritish Standards Institution, UK2002
BS-EN 998-2:2003BSI
Buckling of offshore StructuresKenny, J.P.Gulf Publishing Company, Houston1984
Buckling of offshore StructuresKenny, J.P.Gulf Publishing Company, Houstonc1984
Buckling of StructuresBernard, BudianskySpringer, Verlag, Berlin1976
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