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API RP 1117 Movement of In-Service PipelinesAmerican Petroleum Institute
Applied StructuralSpiegel, Leonard and Limbrunner, George FPrentice-Hall, Englewood Chiffsc1986
Applied StructuralSpiegel, Leonard and Limbrunner, George FPrentice-Hall, Englewood Chiffs1986
Appraisal of Existing StructuresThe Institute of Structural Engineers
Approximate Method of Calculation of Floors And Cross-Walls of Buildings Constructed of Large Panels, Without A Frame, Exposed to Horizontal (Wind) LoadSemenov, P.LPresented to the National Lending Library for Science and Technology1960
Architectural AerodynamicsAynsley, R.M., W.Melbourne and B.J. VickeryApplied Science Publishers Ltd. London1977
AS 2885.1-97 Pipelines Gas and Liquid Petroleum-Part 1: Design and ConstructionAustralian Standards
ATC-51-1: Recommended U. S.-Italy Collaborative Procedures for Earthquake Emergency Response Planning for Hospitals in ItalyApplied Technology Council, Redwood City
ATC-57: The Missing Piece: Improving Seismic Design and Construction PracticeApplied Technology Council, Redwood City
Basic Steel DesignJohnston, Bruce G., Lin, Fung-Jen and Galambos, T.V.Prentice-Hall, Englewood Chiffs1980
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Title   API RP 1117 Movement of In-Service Pipelines
Publisher   American Petroleum Institute
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